Bedrock Concrete Products specializes in the design &
manufacture of high quality dry cast concrete
products for the livestock industry.
The Slats, Beams, Posts, and Feed Bunks are engineered with computerized batching for uniformity, strength & durability. The robotic style finish provides a better traction surface to care for your cattle, hogs, and sheep.
Bedrock is the area's leading custom precast
concrete specialist serving Iowa and all the
surrounding states since 2005.
Featuring the Cow Hide Umbrella Cow Shade. The cow shade protects your cattle from the sun, reducing stress due to heat.

We have what you need to complete your project.
- Rock
- Sand
- Gravel
- Limestone
- rip rap
Need Excavation or Demolition?
Call Chewy at
712-830-2591 for more Information.
Never pay more than you have to for your concrete products.
Give us a call today 712-676-3752.
Never pay more than you have to for your concrete products.
Give us a call today 712-676-3752.
Our experience staff uses the latest technologies in all products.
- Premium Quality Drycast Hog & Cattle Slats
- Feedbunks
- Cattle & Hog Beams
- L Style Walls
- T Style Walls
- Murphy Style Walls
- Posts
- Pads
- Manhole